It’s no lying that Agape Construction & Inter-Maritime Services, ACIMS (also known as Agape Shipping), offers the best vessel chartering services around the Gulf of Guinea. Our services touch the Port of Kribi, Cameroon; Puerto Macias, Equatorial Guinea; Ebome Marine Terminal, Cameroon, Port of Tema, Ghana; Port of Sassandra, Ivory Coast; Port of Pennington, Nigeria, etc. Checkout all the other ports within the Gulf of Guinea.
Agape Shipping is not only a connecting link between cargo owners and shipping companies, but also own it’s own vessels. We’re specialized in passenger crew and supply vessel chartering services for both international and domestic clients.
We provide vessel chartering services to our regular partners – traders, buyers, shippers – as well as other external customers. If you are in need of the right vessel to deliver your project, heavy cargo, bulk, transport offshore personnel or carry out regular deliveries, then you will obviously settle for Agape Shipping.
We have had longstanding relationships with shipowners and with our expertise in the field, we are able to find the right vessel for any kind of shipment. Our vessel chartering services are the best you can find anywhere around Cameroon, Nigeria, Gabon, Angola and the entire Gulf of Guinea.
We have as task to simplify and facilitate the process of cargo transportation from one port to another at a low cost and timely delivery. Our specialists ensure you find a reliable carrier as well as vessel for the best price.
Our expertise lies within our ability to put risks to the minimum. At Agape Shipping, we add value to our clients consignment so as to give them maximum satisfaction. We ensure that we look for the ideal vessel that matches with the cargo to be transported.
[ngg src=”galleries” display=”basic_slideshow”]We monitor each vessel for compliance with the charter party’s requirement. Our vessel chartering services have the following features:
Agape Shipping is well respected and well known for its vessel chartering services across the Gulf of Guinea. We have an extensive network of vessel owners and ship brokers across Nigeria, Cameroon, Angola, Gabon, Ghana, Equatorial Guinea, etc.
Our vessel chartering services are hassle-free to our clients from sourcing to on-sight supervision at the discharge port. We offer 24-hour vessel chartering services in any port within the Gulf of Guinea.
If your cargo is on tight schedule or can’t be loaded on standard container vessels, Agape Shipping will find for you suitable vessels for charter. We don’t end there – we also negotiate the best routes as well as prices for the project requirements.
“Agape Shipping is at the forefront in providing high quality vessel chartering services from Cameroon Ports. They are backed by a team of experts who coordinate excellently with clients and operate as per schedule. They ensure the safe dispatch of cargo and personnel.” OpenHub Digital